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WCF service installation and verification in IIS and/or WAS

I gather there is nothing more to deploying services than installing the .svc file and associated binaries in a hosted directory under IIS, as described here (IIS):

and here (WAS):

Two questions:

  1. Is there any difference at all between these two scenarios for newer (>= 7.0) versions of IIS when using BasicHttpBinding?

  2. Is there any way to view/test the WCF services hosted from within IIS? IIS has this nice UI but as far as I can tell, you have to look at web.config and test the services using wcftestclient or use a browser to see if everything is working at any given point.


  • There is no difference when using BasicHttpBinding in different versions of IIS. As far as I know there is no testing capability in IIS (TestWcfClient, unittests, ....)