How to render specific number of times ? I'm making that my topmenu and sidemenu have the same pages.I want for the topmenu to only show first 4 pages and for the sidemenu to show all available pages.
<%= render :partial => '/shared/menu_branch', :collection => roots, :locals => {
:hide_children => hide_children,
:sibling_count => (roots.length - 1),
:apply_css => true
} -%>
and the menu_branch
if !!local_assigns[:apply_css] and (classes = menu_branch_css(local_assigns)).any?
css = "class='#{classes.join(' ')}'".html_safe
dom_id = "id='item_#{menu_branch_counter}'".html_safe if menu_branch.parent_id.nil?
<li<%= ['', css, dom_id].compact.join(' ').gsub(/\ *$/, '').html_safe %>>
<%= link_to menu_branch.title, menu_branch.url -%>
this is the line i want to render only 4 times.
<li<%= ['', css, dom_id].compact.join(' ').gsub(/\ *$/, '').html_safe %>>
<%= link_to menu_branch.title, menu_branch.url -%>
Alright I figured out it by my self. This is the code I changed.
<%= render :partial => '/shared/menu_branch', :collection =>{|p|roots.rindex(p) < 4}, :locals => {
:hide_children => hide_children,
:sibling_count => (roots.length - 1),
:apply_css => true
} -%>
this is what I added.
:collection =>{|p|roots.rindex(p) < 4},