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How does one move/copy context from one task to another

I use a new agile practice called "interrupt-driven development" (IDD) ;-) in which I'm juggling tasks a lot. I'd like to use Mylyn to help maintain context. By context, in case it's not clear, I primarily mean the set of filtered files in the explorer, and secondarily the set of open editor windows.

My problem is that I forget. I get an email, I start working on the issue, and 10 minutes later, I realize that I forgot to create a new task or activate an old one. By that time, I've opened much/most of the context that I need.

When I get to this point, is there any way to move or copy the files I mistakenly now have in one task's context to another task's context?


  • Right click anywhere in the task editor of the source task (or right click the source task in the task list) and select "Copy Context To". A dialog will let you select the target.