I am trying to pass a variable to a method, i.e. velocity(decent)
, and call that method several times in a while-loop.
It seams to not be working and I don't know what is wrong with this.
I want the decent variable to increase up to 250.
I tested the velocity(decent)
method outside of the while loop and it worked. Inside the while-loop it just stays 0
, while the altitude
is decreasing each time it goes though the while loop.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
// Every measuerments are in feet and seconds
// This program is to sim a simple jump with no graphics. Work the numbers out for final implementaion.
namespace Jumper1Test
class Program
//10 - 20 feet above ground pull both cords to slow down to about 0 ft per second
private static int alt; //in feet 30,000 20,000, 15,000 ft *Note keep decent same scale\measurment
private static float decent = 0; //speed of jumper 250ft per second cute deploed 15-20ft p[er second want to hit 0 when landing
private static int cuteDelay = 3; //3 second cute delay after opeing (ruf estimate on average)
private static bool leftCord;
private static bool rightCord;
private static bool cuteDeployed; //if parachute is deployed
private static bool jumped; //jump iniciated
//environtmnet effects
private enum windDrection { North, South, East, West, NE, NW, SE, SW } //NE NW = North East West respectivly
private static int windspeed; //in knots
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Jump Sim 1.0");
//select the hight for the jump
Console.WriteLine("Enter Jump Altitued:");
Console.WriteLine("a for 30000 Ft");
Console.WriteLine("b for 25000 Ft");
Console.WriteLine("c for 15000 Ft");
String alt1 = Console.ReadLine();
if (alt1.Equals("a"))
alt = 30000;
else if (alt1.Equals("b"))
alt = 25000;
alt = 15000;
Console.WriteLine("The Hight of the jump is " + alt);
int countdown = 5;
while (countdown != 0)
Console.WriteLine("Jumping in " + countdown);
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait for 1 secod.
while (alt != 0)
alt = alt - 5000;
Console.WriteLine("Altitue = " + alt);
Console.WriteLine("Speed is: " + decent);
// keep screen from going away when run from VS.NET
private static float velocity(float decent)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) //its takes 8 seconds to reach terminal velocity
decent = decent + 31.25f; //increease speed of fall
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait for 1 secod.
return decent;
}//end of velocity
I think you want :
decent = velocity(decent);
And that also means that decent
(descent) does not have to be a global variable. It could become a proper local of Main().
Do try to avoid globals as a first step to writing better software.
Also try
//Console.WriteLine("Jumping in " + countdown);
Console.Write("Jumping in {0} \r", countdown);
for some dazzling video effects.