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Simple Map/Reduce MongoVUE

I am trying to get a simple map reduce working in MongoVUE, but it doesn't return any results, I just want to get it to output the count of each userID just so I can have a working example to build from.

function Map() {
emit( this.UpdatedBy.UserId, {"count": 1} );

function Reduce(key, values) {

var result = {count: 0};
  values.forEach(function(value) {
  result.count += value.count;
return result;

function Finalize(key, reduced) {
reduced = Transform-to-Desired-Form(reduced);
return reduced;

And the output is set to inline.

This is the tutorial I am working from, but I just want to apply a simple count to start off with


  • function() {
        emit( this.UpdatedBy.UserId, 1 );
      function(key, values) {
        var result =  0;
        values.forEach(function(value) {
          result += value;
        return result;

    Here is how I got it to work for anyone who needs a simple example on how to group and count a user Id.