i have succesfully referenced luainterface in my visual studio 2008 c# project.
here is my code:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Lua lua = new Lua();
var result = lua.DoFile(@"C:\testing\regex\test-data.lua");
string bla;
foreach (DictionaryEntry member in lua.GetTable("test_data"))
Console.WriteLine("({0}) {1} = {2}",
the output that i am getting is:
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 1 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 2 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 3 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 4 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 5 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 6 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 7 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 8 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 9 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 10 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 11 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 12 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 13 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 14 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 15 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 16 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 17 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 18 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 19 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 20 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 21 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 22 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 23 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 24 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 25 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 26 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 27 = table
(LuaInterface.LuaTable) 28 = table
my data looks like this:
test_data = {
id = '001-000505',
cnv = {
e9 = 0,
i6 = 0,
rel = {
rs10850985 = '-',
rs38932097 = '-',
rs5030655 = '-',
rs10655852 = '-',
rs28371725 = '-',
result = '*5/*5',
gt = {
rs31080985 = { '-', '-' },
rs16947 = { '-', '-' },
rs3892097 = { '-', '-' },
rs503350655 = { '-', '-' },
rs50530865 = { '-', '-' },
rs5030656 = { '-', '-' },
rs106371706 = { '-', '-' },
rs59421388 = { '-', '-' },
rs7693258 = { '-', '-' },
rs28371725 = { '-', '-' },
id = '004-AATTGG',
cnv = {
e9 = 1,
i6 = 1,
rel = {
rs1080985 = '>>',
rs3892097 = '>>',
rs505306d55 = '>>',
rs1065852 = '>>',
rs2837d1725 = '>>',
result = '*1/*5',
gt = {
rs10830985 = { 'C', 'C' },
rs164947 = { 'C', 'C' },
rs3892097 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs5030e655 = { 'T', 'T' },
rs5030865 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs5030656 = { 'AAG', 'AAG' },
rs1065852 = { 'C', 'C' },
rs28371706 = { 'C', 'C' },
rs59421388 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs769258 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs28371725 = { 'G', 'G' },
id = '003-0300101',
cnv = {
e9 = 1,
i6 = 1,
rel = {
rs1080985 = '>>',
rs3892097 = '>>',
rs50530655 = '>>',
rs10365852 = '>>',
rs283271725 = '<<',
result = '*41/*5',
gt = {
rs1080985 = { 'C', 'C' },
rs16947 = { 'T', 'T' },
rs3892097 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs5030655 = { 'T', 'T' },
rs5030865 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs5030656 = { 'AAG', 'AAG' },
rs1065852 = { 'C', 'C' },
rs28371706 = { 'C', 'C' },
rs593421388 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs7659258 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs28371725 = { 'A', 'A' },
id = '007-CCAA',
cnv = {
e9 = 1,
i6 = 1,
rel = {
rs1080985 = '>>',
rs38922097 = '>>',
rs50350655 = '>>',
rs1065852 = '>>',
rs283371725 = '<<',
result = '*41/*5',
gt = {
rs1080985 = { 'C', 'C' },
rs16947 = { 'T', 'T' },
rs3892097 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs50350655 = { 'T', 'T' },
rs50350865 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs5030656 = { 'AAG', 'AAG' },
rs106235852 = { 'C', 'C' },
rs28371706 = { 'C', 'C' },
rs59421388 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs769258 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs28371725 = { 'A', 'A' },
id = '001-000105',
cnv = {
e9 = 1,
i6 = 1,
rel = {
rs1080985 = '>>',
rs38392097 = '>>',
rs5030655 = '>>',
rs10565852 = '>>',
rs283371725 = '>>',
result = '*1/*5',
gt = {
rs10820985 = { 'C', 'C' },
rs16947 = { 'C', 'C' },
rs32892097 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs53030655 = { 'T', 'T' },
rs50303865 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs50530656 = { 'AAG', 'AAG' },
rs1065852 = { 'C', 'C' },
rs283751706 = { 'C', 'C' },
rs59421388 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs769258 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs28371725 = { 'G', 'G' },
id = '001-000517',
cnv = {
e9 = 1,
i6 = 1,
rel = {
rs108320985 = '>>',
rs38932097 = '>>',
rs503350655 = '>>',
rs10625852 = '>>',
rs28371725 = '>>',
result = '*17/*5',
gt = {
rs1080985 = { 'C', 'C' },
rs16947 = { 'T', 'T' },
rs38952097 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs50350655 = { 'T', 'T' },
rs50330865 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs5030656 = { 'AAG', 'AAG' },
rs106255852 = { 'C', 'C' },
rs28371706 = { 'T', 'T' },
rs594321388 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs769258 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs28371725 = { 'G', 'G' },
id = '001-000541',
cnv = {
e9 = 1,
i6 = 1,
rel = {
rs1080985 = '>>',
rs3892097 = '>>',
rs50330655 = '>>',
rs10625852 = '>>',
rs283371725 = '<<',
result = '*41/*5',
gt = {
rs1080985 = { 'C', 'C' },
rs16947 = { 'T', 'T' },
rs3892097 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs50320655 = { 'T', 'T' },
rs503320865 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs50350656 = { 'AAG', 'AAG' },
rs10635852 = { 'C', 'C' },
rs28371706 = { 'C', 'C' },
rs594221388 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs7693258 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs283571725 = { 'A', 'A' },
id = '002-000101',
cnv = {
e9 = 1,
i6 = 1,
rel = {
rs1080985 = '>>',
rs389532097 = '>>',
rs5030655 = '>>',
rs106235852 = '>>',
rs283571725 = '<<',
result = '*41/*5',
gt = {
rs1080985 = { 'C', 'C' },
rs16947 = { 'T', 'T' },
rs38952097 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs50330655 = { 'T', 'T' },
rs503220656 = { 'AAG', 'AAG' },
rs1065852 = { 'C', 'C' },
rs283371706 = { 'C', 'C' },
rs5945321388 = { 'G', 'G' },
rs769258 = { 'G', 'G' },
i want to return values for every variable in my lua file: id, rel, rs108....
what am i doing wrong?
update this is almost working:
foreach (DictionaryEntry member in lua.GetTable("test_data"))
foreach (var keyval in ((LuaTable)member.Value).Keys)
it's going through the correct keyvals, but not i need to see what the values are in each key. how do i do this?
After reviewing some more (and multiple edits to this post), you are probably best off using recursion:
private void ProcessTable(LuaTable t, int depth)
Console.WriteLine(new String('=', 5 * (5 - depth))); // Creates breaks between the items
foreach (DictionaryEntry d in t)
if (d.Value.GetType() == typeof(LuaTable))
ProcessTable((LuaTable)d.Value, depth);
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}={1}", d.Key, d.Value));
Console.WriteLine(new String('=',5 * (5-depth)));
Then you call it like this:
ProcessTable(lua.GetTable("test_data"), 0);