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c#asp.netvalidationrequiredfieldvalidator requiredfieldvalidator dont work when visible=false

I have some requiredFileldvalidators in my site that i want to set invisible until needed. But when i set them to visible=false they do not fire. They do work if they are set visible=true.

Is this the correct behavior of this control or is this wrong. I want them invisible due to styling issues when visible.


  • Setting Visible="false" in ASP.NET will cause an element to not be rendered out to the page. So, it essentially doesn't exist on the client side. They should be invisible by default, and will only be shown if the criteria of requirements is not met (or they are otherwise forced by use of IsValid="false").

    You can play with the Display property to help facilitate layout modes - but I have a feeling this is not entirely related to what you desire to do.