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Passing DAE File to OpenGL ES on iPhone - Handling Tangents and Binormals - Maya

I am working on parsing a Maya DAE file into OpenGL ES on the iphone. I have noticed that in the DAE file, in addition to the usual vertices, normals and texture co-ords, that there is something called "Tangents" and "Binormals".

Does anyone know how I should handle these within OpenGL ES V1.1 ? Are they values that I can ignore or should I be passing somehow to the OpenGL ES engine ?

Thanks !


  • It depends on what you are planning to do with your DAE file.

    Normal, Tangent and Binormal are the three versors of the Frenet frame.
    They give information about the surface the vertex is on.

    I think, for a simplified use, you can just store the normal and skip the rest.