My grails app has to define some additional behaviour for many of the standard dynamic scaffolding methods for each domain class.
I know I can duplicate the methods I need to add to for each controller, and indeed that is what I currently do. This does mean that my custom code is obscured by the boilerplate scaffolding.
I have tried importing and modifying the templates as well but they only seem to get involved if I generate static scaffolding in my controllers. Needless to say this doesn't help much.
Interceptors don't seem to be what I want either as they enclose the action rather than being inserted into it. I thought about intercepting the GORM call in some fashion but that isn't really what I want either.
What I really want to do is replace the base dynamic scaffolding methods with ones that have a hook in the places I want to be able to modify.
The following shows an example of what I am trying to achieve
// standard "save" dynamic scaffold method decorated with hooks for custom code
def save() {
def ${propertyName} = new ${className}(params)
if (!${propertyName}.save(flush: true)) {
render(view: "create", model: [${propertyName}: ${propertyName}])
flash.message = message(code: 'default.created.message', args: [message(code: '${domainClass.propertyName}.label', default: '${className}'), ${propertyName}.id])
redirect(action: "show", id: ${propertyName}.id)
// Placeholders hooks to be overridden in controller as necessary
def saveBeforeSave(${propertyName}) {
def saveAfterSave(${propertyName}) {
Can't you simple use the command:
grails install-templates
Then modify the controller ? Guide and Reference.
Just configure your controller with
static scaffold = *MODEL*
and apply your modifications to /src/templates/scaffolding/Controller.groovy
There is no need to generate to use generate-controller