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PHP Uploading Issue

I've worked with a few scripts to begin uploading files on my development machine. Problem is, despite the expected ease of this operation, Apache seems to time-out whenever I try to upload an image. Uploading is set to On and the tmp directory is set in php.ini.

I tried uploading the main gif from Google, an 8.36KB image. It should be fine and well within the limits to PHPs uploading capabilities.

Here is a copy of the script. There should be an easy fix. As requested, I changed the tilde to an actual directory.


if (!isset($_GET['upload'])) { ?>
  <form method="post" action="index.php?upload=true" enctype="multipart/form-data"> 
  <input type="file" name="file" class="form">
  <input name="submit" type="submit">
<? } else  if (isset($_GET['upload']) && $_GET['upload'] == 'true') {
  $url = $_FILES['file']['name'];
    $move = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], "/Users/<username>/Sites/file.jpg");
    if ($move) {
        echo "Success!";
    } else { 
        echo "Err..."
} ?>

Thanks, Dan


I fixed it, with help from a few of the answers, to one of which I will mark.

A few things here were causing this behavior.

  1. Permissions on the images directory were not set to allow the _www user to access it. A chmod -R 777 images seemed to fix it, as well as a sudo chown _www images.

  2. The form output may have been corrupting the PHP script itself. As suggested, an ECHO <<< ...END helped, I think.


  • This is more than likely an issue with the size of the file and/or a permission issue between the Apache user and the directory specified. For instance make sure the Apache instance is not running under user (nobody).

    Comment to chaos: He is right the tilde (~) can cause issues, but would probably not cause a timeout; it would display a warning. Even if it does work on your system it would probably deposit the file into an unexpected directory or run into some issues if the Apache user (ie www) does not have a valid home directory set.