I have a simple JForm and a JDialog in my application. JDialog box contains a JProgressBar eliment and I'put a method in the JDialog as,
public void updateProgress(int val){
prgProgress.setValue(val); //prgProgress-> name of the JProgressBar
to update the progress bar.
When I try to update the progress bar in my JDialog from the JForm, JProgressBar doesn't update as expected please tell me what could be the error,
public class Status extends javax.swing.JDialog{
private javax.swing.JProgressBar prgProgress = new javax.swing.JProgressBar;
public void updateProgress(int val){
prgProgress.setValue(val); //prgProgress-> name of the JProgressBar
public class MyForm extends javax.swing.JInternalFrame {
Status s = new Status();
for(int i=0; i<100; i++){
You have a issue with Concurency in Swing, Swing is single threaded and nothing happends if you update GUI out of EDT, you have to implement SwingWorker for updating JProgressBar, example with descriptions here