Hello I'm 17 and trying to learn how to code. I am having trouble debugging this section of code and would appreciate some help.
bool checkifwin(char grid[3][3], char player)
if (checkverticle(char grid[3][3], char player)
|| checkhorizontal(char grid[3][3], char player)
|| checkdiagonal( grid[3][3], player)
return true;
return false;
It says expected primary-expression before char.
checkverticle() is a call to a function not a declaration so you don't need the "char"s.
bool checkifwin(char grid[3][3], char player)
if ( checkverticle(grid, player) ||
checkhorizontal(grid, player) ||
checkdiagonal( grid, player) return true;
else return false;
Just some coding advice. In my opinion:
bool func()
if (expr)
return true;
return false;
Is not great style. I'd suggest refactoring it to:
bool func()
bool result = false; // This just makes it clear the expected default.
// You could even go as far as
// bool result = expr or event return expr; - although I suggest sticking with a
// variable in case you need to debug.
result = expr; // e.g. result = checkVert() || checkHoriz() || checkDiag();
return result;