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Logging Process' STDIN and STDOUT

I would like to run a process with subprocess.Popen() and communicate with it through the python shell, like the subprocess.Popen usual behavior. Beside that, I would like to discursively log the STDIN and STDOUT to a logfile.

How can I do it?


  • Assuming discursively means rambling and rambling means all in the same file, then the following snippet is what you requested.

    Discursive logging with discrimination of the source and interaction

    Override its communicate method like similar question here

    import subprocess
    def logcommunicate(self, s):
        self.logfilehandle.write("Input "+s)
        std = self.oldcommunicate(s)
        self.logfilehandle.write("Output "+std[0])
        return std
    subprocess.Popen.oldcommunicate = subprocess.Popen.communicate
    subprocess.Popen.communicate = logcommunicate
    logfh = open("/tmp/communicate.log", "a")
    proc = subprocess.Popen(['cat'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    proc.logfilehandle = logfh
    result = proc.communicate("hello there\n")
    print result 

    Discursive logging with discrimination of the source

    First use StringIO instead of files, then subclass StringIO to override its write method to open that appends timestamp and source. Then write a custom compare function that sorts based on timestamp and source, timestamp first and then source Input and then output

     with open("file.log","wb") as in logfile:
     out = MyOutPutStringIO.StringIO() 
     in = MyInputStringIO.StringIO()
     subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines = True, stdin=in, stdout=out)
     #Then after you are done
     linestotal = []
     for line in in.readlines():
     for line in out.readlines():
     for line in linestotal.readlines():

    Discursive logging

     with open("file.log","wb") as in logfile:
     subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines = True, stdin=logfile, stdout=logfile)

    The opposite is shown below

    Cursive logging

     with open("stdout.txt","wb") as out:
     with open("stderr.txt","wb") as err:
     with open("stdin.txt","wb") as in:
     subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines = True, stdin=in,stdout=out,stderr=err)