I've been given the task of converting a web page with a barcode to a one click label print. I've got jZebra up and running, but I have no idea where to get started as far as understanding how to write commands for a printer.
I've Google'd just about everything I can think of regarding this.
Basically, I am trying to understand this code:
// Draws a line. applet.append("^FO0,147^GB800,4,4^FS\n");
applet.append("^FO615,156^AdN,0,0^FWN^FH^FD(123) 456-7890^FS\n");
Does anyone have links to or information regarding what these characters / commands like "^FO0,401^GB800,4,4^FS" mean or do?
After 9,000 hours in google:
Many card printers (such as Zebra or Eltron manufactured printers) need special RAW printer commands sent to them in order to perform certain functions (such as magnetic strip encoding or barcode printing). These RAW commands are usually sent as text in a proprietary syntax. This RAW syntax is specified by the printer manufacturer (usually in the form of a developer's manual). Syntax will vary drastically between printer manufacturers and printer models.
Emphasis is mine. Probably want to google for a developer's manual.
Source: http://code.google.com/p/jzebra/wiki/OldSummaryDoNotUse