Is it possible to get all extending class types which explicitly have the Serializable attribute defined in them?
public abstract class BaseClass
public Type[] GetKnownTypes(){
return all classes which extend this class
AND explicitly have the [Serializable] attribute
public class DoNotWant : BaseClass {}
public class Want : BaseClass {}
So GetKnownTypes will return the class 'Want', as it extends BaseClass and explicitly has the attribute Serializable whilst DoNotWant does not contain the attribute Serializable explicitly
Thank you
Edit :: I don't believe IsSerializable is accurate to rely on, as it seems to always be true (I'm not sure if this is because the BaseClass is Serializable or not)
Untested, but something like:
var types = typeof(BaseClass).Assembly.GetTypes().Where(t =>
t.IsClass && t.BaseType == typeof(BaseClass)
&& Attribute.IsDefined(t, typeof(SerializableAttribute))).ToArray();