Search code examples

remoteField not triggering action call

So I am attempting to create a search field that will filter contacts on the fly. So I have the main results being displayed in a template (Contact/list.gsp):

<%@ page import="contactmanager.Contact" %>
<!doctype html>
    <meta name="layout" content="main">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <g:set var="entityName" value="${message(code: 'contact.label', default: 'Contact')}" />
    <title><g:message code="default.list.label" args="[entityName]" /></title>
    <div id="list-contact" class="mainContent-contact" role="main">
        <h1><g:message code="default.list.label" args="[entityName]" /></h1>

        <g:if test="${flash.message}">
            <div class="message" role="status">${flash.message}</div>

        <div id="searchBox">
            Instant Search: <g:remoteField name="q" update="searchResults" paramName="q" url="[controller:'contact', action:'search']"/>

        <g:render template="searchResults"/>

        <div class="pagination">
            <g:paginate total="${contactInstanceTotal}" />


Here is my template (_searchResults.gsp):

<%@ page import="contactmanager.Contact" %>

        <div id = "searchResultsDiv">
                            <g:sortableColumn property="firstName" title="${message(code: 'contact.firstName.label', default: 'First Name')}" />
                            <g:sortableColumn property="lastName" title="${message(code: 'contact.lastName.label', default: 'Last Name')}" />
                            <g:sortableColumn property="phone" title="${message(code: '', default: 'Phone')}" />
                            <g:sortableColumn property="email" title="${message(code: '', default: 'Email')}" />
                            <g:sortableColumn property="title" title="${message(code: 'contact.title.label', default: 'Title')}" />
                            <g:sortableColumn property="jobFunc" title="${message(code: 'contact.jobFunc.label', default: 'Job Func')}" />
                    <g:each in="${contactInstanceList}" status="i" var="contactInstance">
                            <g:if test="${contactInstance.isActive}">
                                <tr class="${(i % 2) == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd'}">

                                <td><g:link action="show" id="${}">${fieldValue(bean: contactInstance, field: "firstName")}</g:link></td>
                                <td>${fieldValue(bean: contactInstance, field: "lastName")}</td>
                                <td>${fieldValue(bean: contactInstance, field: "phone")}</td>
                                <td>${fieldValue(bean: contactInstance, field: "email")}</td>
                                <td>${fieldValue(bean: contactInstance, field: "title")}</td>
                                <td>${fieldValue(bean: contactInstance, field: "jobFunc")}</td>


So currently, when I enter my text, nothing is happening. I added a printout in my search method and that's not being called at all. It's almost as if my remoteField is stagnant and is not active.

Am I missing a pre-requisite to this tag? I looked at the official API online, but didn't see anything at all indicating such. Is there something new to 2.0.0?

I am using the searchable plugin to pull results in the Controller, just FYI.

Thank you all for the help!

Update: So I added the javascript library call explicitly in my main.gsp and I seem to be getting some response back from the server, which is great news (missingPropertyException):

I had to add the plugin definition to the library call of jQuery (library = jquery and plugin= query)


  • First, thank you to those with the advice. I was able to figure out Firebug was a useful tool and that output pointed me to my library calls.

    So I am now seeing action from my server using the correct jQuery library call. My last problem was that I was referencing the template name in the update of the remoteField, not the name of the main div within the template.

    Once I fixed those, I am working. Thanks for all advice!