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Cartesian on NULL arrays

I need a cartesian product of 6 arrays - the catch is that at any time upto 5 arrays could be null. It works great when all arrays are populated but bombs when any of the arrays are null

my arrays are something like this

MatrixArray_1[0] = 1
MatrixArray_1[1] = 2

MatrixArray_2[0] = null
MatrixArray_2[1] = null

MatrixArray_n[0] = 2
MatrixArray_n[1] = 2


I am using this code currently...derived from

var product1 =  from first in MatrixArray_1
                from second in MatrixArray_2
                from third in MatrixArray_3
                from fourth in MatrixArray_4
                from fifth in MatrixArray_5
                from sixth in MatrixArray_6
                select new[] { first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth };
            string[][] myCombos_linq = product1.ToArray();

I have tried putting MatrixArray_n where first != null but that stops at the first null array and does not read thru all the remaining arrays so my return array is always 0 rows even though array1 and array 3 are populated.

Change of code/logic anything is appreciated at this point in time! TIA


  • Since Eric's approach is to use an IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>>, you must be doing something like this:

    Eric's code:

    static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> CartesianProduct<T>(this IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> sequences) 
      IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> emptyProduct = new[] { Enumerable.Empty<T>() }; 
      return sequences.Aggregate( 
        (accumulator, sequence) => 
          from accseq in accumulator 
          from item in sequence 
          select accseq.Concat(new[] {item})); 

    Call site:

    var sequences = new int?[][] { MatrixArray_1, MatrixArray_2, ..., MatrixArray_6 };
    var cartesianSequence = sequences.CartesianProduct();

    Change the call site:

    var cartesianSequence = sequences.Where(a => a.Any(e => e != null)).CartesianProduct();

    The Where call will exclude sequences where all elements are null.

    To exclude null arrays as well as arrays containing only null values:

    var cartesianSequence = sequences.Where(a => a != null && a.Any(e => e != null)).CartesianProduct();

    Or, with query comprehension:

    var filteredSequences = 
        from sequence in sequences
        where sequence != null && sequence.Any(e => e != null)
        select sequence
    var cartesianSequence = filteredSequences.CartesianProduct();


    Another possibility is that you want to exclude null elements of each sequence, even if some elements are non-null:

    var filteredSequences = 
        from sequence in sequences
        where sequence != null && sequence.Any(e => e != null)
        select (from v in sequence where v.HasValue select s)
    var cartesianSequence = filteredSequences.CartesianProduct();


    var cartesianSequence = sequences
        .Where(s => s != null && s.Any(e => e != null))
        .Select(s => s.Where(v => v != null))

    But it's hard to know exactly what to advise since we don't know what you're doing with the result.