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SQLAlchemy insert millions data inefficiently

It takes a long time to finish 100000 (user,password) tuple insertions.

def insertdata(db,name,val):
    i = db.insert()
    i.execute(user= name, password=val)
tuplelist = readfile("C:/py/tst.txt")  #parse file is really fast
mydb = initdatabase()
for ele in tuplelist:

which function take more time ? Is there a way to test bottleneck in python? Can I avoid that by caching and commit later?


  • have the DBAPI handle iterating through the parameters.

    def insertdata(db,tuplelist):
        i = db.insert()
        i.execute([dict(user=elem[0], password=elem[1]) for elem in tuplelist])
    tuplelist = readfile("C:/py/tst.txt")  #parse file is really fast
    mydb = initdatabase()