I have code that needs to run on both Excel 2003 and Excel 2007, and there are a few spots where changes in the versions cause the code to halt. I tried separating these lines out with If-Else statements, but the code won't compile on either because it doesn't recognize the code used for the other. Is there any way I could tell one version to ignore a block of code, similar to a C or C++-style #ifdef, in VBA?
This is a good starting point, but it won't work with the version of Excel that its running on, since that can only be figured out at run-time, not compile time.
If you need to branch your code based on information only discoverable at run time you might consider late binding as a solution. There are two ways you can sneak around version problems.
The first way can be used if you need to Access a property or method that only exists in certain versions, you can use CallByName. The advantage of call by name is that it allows you to preserve early binding (and intellisense) for your objects as much as possible.
To give an example, Excel 2007 has a new TintAndShade property. If you wanted to change the color of a range, and for Excel 2007 also ensure TintAndShade was set to 0 you would run into trouble because your code won't compile in Excel 2003 which does not have TintAndShade as a property of the range object. If you access the property that you know is not in all versions using CallByName, you code will compile in all versions fine, but only run in the versions you specify. See below:
Sub Test()
ColorRange Selection, Excel.Application.version, 6
End Sub
Sub ColorRange(rng As Excel.Range, version As Double, ParamArray args() As Variant)
With rng.Interior
.colorIndex = 6
.Pattern = xlSolid
If version >= 12# Then
'Because the property name is stored in a string this will still compile.
'And it will only get called if the correct version is in use.
CallByName rng.Interior, "TintAndShade", VbLet, 0
End If
End With
End Sub
The second way is for classes that have to be instantiated via "New" and don't even exist in old versions. You won't run into this problem with Excel, but I will give a quickie demo so you can see what I mean:
Imagine that you wanted to do File IO, and for some bizarre reason not all of the computers had the Microsoft Scripting Runtime on them. But for some equally bizarre reason you wanted to make sure it was used whenever it was available. If set a reference to it and use early binding in your code, the code won't compile on systems that don't have the file. So you use late binding instead:
Public Sub test()
Dim strMyString As String
Dim strMyPath As String
strMyPath = "C:\Test\Junk.txt"
strMyString = "Foo"
If LenB(Dir("C:\Windows\System32\scrrun.dll")) Then
WriteString strMyPath, strMyString
WriteStringNative strMyPath, strMyString
End If
End Sub
Public Sub WriteString(ByVal path As String, ByVal value As String)
Dim fso As Object '<-Use generic object
'This is late binding:
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fso.CreateTextFile(path, True, False).Write value
End Sub
Public Sub WriteStringNative(ByVal path As String, ByVal value As String)
Dim lngFileNum As Long
lngFileNum = FreeFile
If LenB(Dir(path)) Then Kill path
Open path For Binary Access Write Lock Read Write As #lngFileNum
Put #lngFileNum, , value
Close #lngFileNum
End Sub
There is a comprehensive list of all Adds and Changes to Excel Object Model since 2003:
For changes between 1997 and 2000 go here: