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No edit mode in Liferay portlet

I'm following along with the Liferay In Action book. I'm at the part where I am adding edit-mode to a portlet. The portlet deployed successfully and I've added the portlet and now the book says to click the wrench in the portlet and click the Preferences link but I don't have a Preferences link. View is working fine.

Here is my portlet.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<portlet-app xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="2.0">
    <display-name>Hello John</display-name>
        <title>Hello John</title>
        <short-title>Hello John</short-title>
        <keywords>Hello John</keywords>

My edit.jsp:

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="portlet" %>

<jsp:useBean class="java.lang.String" id="addNameURL" scope="request" />

<portlet:defineObjects />

id ="<portlet:namespace />helloForm" 
action="<%= addNameURL %>" 
        <td><input type="text" name ="username"></td>
<input type="submit" id="nameButton" title="Add Name" value="Add Name">

My doEdit method:

public void doEdit(RenderRequest renderRequest, RenderResponse renderResponse)
    throws IOException, PortletException {
    PortletURL addNameURL = renderResponse.createActionURL();
    addNameURL.setParameter("addName", "addName");
    renderRequest.setAttribute("addNameURL", addNameURL.toString());
    include(editJSP, renderRequest, renderResponse);


  • To have preferences(configuration) page in your portlet in Liferay you must implement com.liferay.portal.kernel.portlet.ConfigurationAction interface and configure portlet in liferay-portlet.xml to use you class.


    You should also be aware that inside that class you are in Liferay's configuration portlet, not your portlet. So getting preferences like


    results in preferences of Liferay-s configuration portlet.

    To get preferences of your portlet add this method to your class

    protected PortletPreferences getPortletPreferences(final PortletRequest p_portletRequest) throws Exception {
        String portletResource = ParamUtil.getString(p_portletRequest, "portletResource");
        PortletPreferences prefs = PortletPreferencesFactoryUtil.getPortletSetup(p_portletRequest, portletResource);
        return prefs;

    and call it from implemented methods

    public void processAction(PortletConfig portletConfig, ActionRequest actionRequest,
            ActionResponse actionResponse) throws Exception;
    public String render(PortletConfig portletConfig, RenderRequest renderRequest,
            RenderResponse renderResponse) throws Exception;