I have been google-ing around for the answer to this for that last hour or so but can't find anything on it. I would like to have pre-configured ami for AWS EC2 that will let me spin up an instance and ssh in and set user/pass for people to VPN though the instance. Of course my dream would be some sort of web interface for managing/monitoring/allocating VPN access but I assume that is far-fetched and would never be offered for free.
What I am looking for is this: AMI running on micro instance OpenVPN installed and ready to go Little-no config needed
What I think that would look like is that I could start an instance of this ami, ssh in and add user/pass to OpenVPN and be using my instance as a VPN server (Using AWS's public IP) in less than 10 min without running countless commands to install all the needed programs.
There is a possibility that I am completely wrong in what I am trying to do and if that is the case just let me know I'm an idiot. Thank you for any help!
You can check this out Josh:
The AMI isn't currently available in US-WEST-2, so if you want to control resources in that region you'll have to hand build. But if you're running in US-WEST-1, then you can use this very easily, also, it comes with a decent front-end.