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How do I create a volume slider for an HTML5 video using Jquery and Hype

I'm a complete beginner when it comes to Jquery, Javascript etc but I've managed to get a Jquery slider widget working in my page. Now I want to have that slider control the volume of a video which will be embedded as part of an animation in Tumult Hype. I know that Hype gives the video an 'element ID' that I can call from outside of Hype but I just need to know what code I should add to the Jquery Slider function to enable volume control of this video. Please Help!


  • I use this:

            orientation: "vertical",
            value: vid1.volume,
            min: 0,
            max: 1,
            range: 'min',
            animate: true,
            step: .1,
            slide: function(e, ui) { 
                vid1.volume = ui.value;
                if(ui.value > 0) vid1.muted = false;

    It assumes the ID of the video element is vid1.