I'm trying to deploy the same rails app to two different locations with different app names, different logos, different stylesheets, etc.
I've got the code working based on an APP_NAME and a HOST_NAME variable I store in environments/production.rb. Now I need to actually deploy it, and I need a better solution than manually editing the environment file on the production machine.
The only way I can see to do it is to create a new production environment - e.g. production_app2 - and define APP_NAME and HOST_NAME differently in them. Is there a better way?
No no no! Don't edit the environment files. I mean, edit them as you need to for things that need to be configured the same for every deployment, but not for things that should be configurable between deployments.
For that, use configuration.
Throw a YAML file in config
that looks something like this:
:app_name: App 1
:host_name: something.com
:app_name: App 1
:host_name: something.com
:app_name: App 1
:host_name: something.com
Call it whatever makes sense. Let's say settings.yml
Now load it with an initializer in config/initializers/settings.rb
that looks like this:
SETTINGS = YAML.load_file("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/settings.yml")[RAILS_ENV]
Now access your configuration like this:
(If you don't want to change your existing code at all, inside config/initializers/settings.rb
add lines that set your existing names like APP_NAME = SETTINGS[:app_name]
, etc.)
Note that this is one possible implementation of settings configuration, but even if another approach is taken it should be based on deployment-independent configuration. This can be much more easily and maintainably set up to persist between deployments and upgrades than mucking with environment files.
Again, to recap:
For Capistrano based deployments, this is what I use to symlink multiple configuration files in the new current
from the shared
directory (I think it originally came from an Ezra recipe from EngineYard):
after "deploy:update_code","deploy:symlink_configs"
namespace(:deploy) do
task :symlink_configs, :roles => :app, :except => {:no_symlink => true} do
configs = %w{ database settings }
configs.map! { |file| "ln -nfs #{shared_path}/config/#{file}.yml #{release_path}/config/#{file}.yml" }
run <<-CMD
cd #{release_path} && #{configs.join(' && ')}