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Similarities between tcl and Python

Right now, I'm learning Python and Javascript, and someone recently suggested to me that I learn tcl. Being a relative noob to programming, I have no idea what tcl is, and if it is similar to Python. As i love python, I'm wondering how similar the two are so I can see if I want to start it.


  • Tcl is not really very similar to Python. It has some surface similarities I guess, as it is a mostly procedural language, but its philosophy is rather different. Whereas Python takes the approach that everything is an object, Tcl's approach is sometimes described as "everything is (or can be) a string." There are some interesting things to learn from Tcl deriving from this approach, but it's one of the lesser-used languages, so maybe hold off until you have a tangible reason to use it. In any case, you have two very different languages on your plate already; no need (IMHO) to add a third just yet.