Hello Webmasters iam trying to redirect the webpage to a different URL/webpage after submitting the form elements ...i tried many ways but could not fix it... please check the codes below that i have tried so far...
header("header("location: domainpath/kothi.html");
<form action="glitter.php" method="post">
<input type="radio" name="font" value="fonts/darkcrystaloutline.ttf"/>
<input type="radio" name="font" value="fonts/darkcrystalout.ttf"/>
i have also tried
header("location: domainpath/kothi.html");
i also tried
header("location: domainpath/kothi.html");
please help me to fix the problem....
You have action="glitter.php", which means after submitting the form the result inputs will be accessible into glitter.php file. So in that file you have to redirect to whatever url you wanna go.