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How to copy files from a path found in env strings?

trying this fails NSIS during installer building... in any way I try t put it.

readEnvStr $R0 "QT_PATH"
File $R0\bin\QtCore4.dll 
File $R0\bin\QtGui4.dll  

During installer building, i'd like to include files from a path encoded in the environment string QT_PATH. how can this be done?


  • The File instruction takes a path on the local system you are compiling on. SetOutPath is used to set the destination directory at run-time:

    ReadEnvStr $R0 "QT_PATH"
    # Might be a good idea to validate the path here and fall back to some other location if necessary
    SetOutPath "$R0\bin"
    File "c:\myinstallersourcefiles\QtCore4.dll"

    Or the path on your local system: File "$%QT_PATH%\bin\QtCore4.dll"