I have the database just like this
==== Invoices ====
==== Customers ===
Now I have made the relation in between models just like this. In Invoices models the relation is as like this
public function relations()
return array(
'customer' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Customer', 'customer_id')
In customer model the relation is just like this
public function relations()
return array(
'invoice' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Invoices','customer_id')
Now as my relation is defined one customer has many invoices and the invoice is belongs to the customer.
Now I made multimodel and loaded the Customer model into Invoice model just like this.
public function actionCreate()
$model = new Invoices;
$customers = new Customers;
// Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
// $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
if (isset($_POST['Invoices'],$_POST['Customers']))
$model->attributes = $_POST['Invoices'];
$customers->attributes = $_POST['Customers'];
$valid = $model->validate();
$valid = $customers->validate();
$customers->id = $model->customer_id;
Here everything is okay. I can insert the data for both models easily. But my problem comes here in the way that when I am inserting data from Invoice multimodel the foreign key id is not changing. It is showing zero every time. Can some one tell me where I am wrong.
Any help and suggestions will be highly appreciated.
My guess is that you are overriding the customer's primary key with the invoice's foreign key. I do not say that's not correct that way (maybe in your scenario it makes sense).
Let me explain what you are doing in that code:
First, you create new instances of two models, Invoices and Customers. Yii understands that as "they wish to insert new items in the database".
Then, you check if there are the items coming from an ajax form. If true, then,
. I'd change it to $invoice
, in case you need to edit and understand it further).$valid
value (so, you don't know if invoice is actually valid).Now, what I got from that:
doesn't work as expected: I'd change that to an incremental assignment.customer_id
coming from the ajax form. Foreing keys are integers, and so if not defined within a model, it becomes 0 or NULL
to Customer's model, so it would probably warn you when validating. However, you are using save(false)
, which means it doesn't pre-validate on save, so you never know it doesn't work.So, according to this:
public function actionCreate()
$invoice = new Invoices;
$customers = new Customers;
// Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
// $this->performAjaxValidation($invoice);
if (isset($_POST['Invoices'],$_POST['Customers']))
$invoice->attributes = $_POST['Invoices'];
$customers->attributes = $_POST['Customers'];
$valid = true; /* expect it is always valid */
$valid &= $invoice->validate(); /* if $invoice is not valid, $valid will be false (true&false = false) */
$valid &= $customers->validate(); /* same as the above line */
$customers->save(); /* First save customers. It's the Foreign item */
$invoice->customer_id = $customers->getPrimaryKey(); /* new instances use getPrimaryKey() to get its id */
$invoice->save(); /* Save invoice AFTER getting customer's primary key */
I hope this solves your problem.