I have the following property list
PropList = [{numbers, ["22", "10"]}, {etc, "22"}].
I wish to get out the list ["22", "10"]
like this:
proplists:get_value(numbers, PropList).
The problem is that I get the two strings inside the list concatenated, ie "2210"
. I tried using propertylists:lookup/2
to get the whole numbers tuple and pattern match to extract the list. But I still end up getting "2210"
I'm guessing it's because of the way erlang stores strings in memory.. Can someone help me here?
Later Edit: I've managed to extract and use the data if i do a map over the list of strings... Maybe this is just a printing issue?
Later-Later Edit I don't know what happened, maybe I'm too tired :) sorry guys. Will delete this question tomorrow
1> PropList = [{numbers, ["22", "10"]}, {etc, "22"}].
2> proplists:get_value(numbers, PropList).
That is my output with your given snippet.