Im trying to figure out why ruby omnicompl only works sometimes for me.
Here it's working as expected.
But when I try the same thing on the same ivar 2 lines down I get "Pattern not found"
Both are done the same way, typing out @current_user_session.fiCtrl+X+O
I checked tpopes rails.vim github page for open/closed issues and tried to google it without luck.
My macvim and vim is compiled with +ruby
:echo &omnifunc
returns rubycomplete#Complete
returns rails.vim 4.3 (Rails-controller)
I have my complete vimdir on github for reference.
one would imagine that it's because in img2 it's now below the setting of the variable (@current_user_session = UserSession.find).
which means that as this is now an instance it's looking for instance methods, whereas before it was returning the class method.
User.find # => fine
user = User.find
user.find # => Method not found
to demo the difference run these:
you'll see that it's quite different. put bluntly you're trying to look up 'find' for a user you have. "'tom'.find" doesn't make any sense.