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Cocos2D: Access objects CGRect from a loop

Experimenting with Cocos2D collection detection and have some questions. First, some background:

This is my method for adding a new item to my game, located in a different class than my game layer. This is located in my Item-class:

-(void) addItem:(NSString *) theFileName: (NSMutableArray *) theArray{

        CCSprite *item = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:theFileName
                                            rect:CGRectMake(0, 0, 50, 50 )];


        int minX = 160;
        int maxX = 360; 
        int xRange = maxX - minX;
        int xCord = (arc4random() % xRange) + minX;

        item.position = ccp(xCord, -5);

    [self addChild:item];

    [theArray addObject:item];

Then I use this method in my game layer, using a reference to the Item-class called ItemManager:

[ItemManager addItem:@"box.png" :itemList];    

If I want to detect collision between two sprites, in this case a box and something else, I need to be able to use the box rect created in the addItem-method.

for(CCSprite *newItem in itemList){
//(if box rectangle collides with my players or whatever 


So how can I acces the rectangle created all the way back in the original method?

Thank you.


  • In this case, I would suggest using the boundingBox property of CCSprite for collision detection:


    for(CCSprite *newItem in itemList) 
        // if box rectangle collides with my players or whatever 
        if (CGRectContainsRect([newItem boundingBox], [player boundingBox])) 
            // do something