I've been on the hunt for a Ruby MVC web framework with support for logic-less templates (i.e. Mustache) for a while now. I'm looking for this:
In my search I've touched Rails, Sinatra and Ramaze, but they all fail on some aspect of what I'm looking for; all attempts I've seen of integrating Mustache into Rails have been half-baked; Sinatra doesn't give me the concept of controllers (and Mustache::Sinatra makes strange assumptions of namespaces and instantiates views twice unnecessarily sometimes); and Ramaze fails to give me a straight-forward way to bind paths and HTTP methods to actions. Of these three I liked Ramaze the most, but the routing issues are a showstopper to me.
I'm open to solutions in any somewhat stable framework, including the mentioned ones if I've missed something there. Also, alternatives to Mustache are fine even though I prefer it to other logic-less template languages due to its easy syntax and many implementations in different languages (using the same templates for dynamic views in the browser is one of my goals).
You might want to look at Padrino, it's based on Sinatra, but is more of a MVC framework than Sinatra is out of the box.