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AVR Simulator like Proteus on ubuntu?

I am looking for an IDE not for compiling code, but for simulating a compiled code for AVRs, mainly ATMega16 ...

I am familiar with Proteus on windows but as it turns out, it's not available for ubuntu and i would hate to install wine just for that...

I would be really thankful if any of you knows a simulator similar to Proteus that is available on linux, and preferably open source..

Mainly, i would like to simulate RS232 signals as it's becoming a pain to flash the chip after every small change to check the results...

Thanks in advance.


  • I've never tried simulavr, but it is packaged on Ubuntu:

    $ apt-cache show simulavr
    Package: simulavr
    Description: Atmel AVR simulator
     simulavr simulates the Atmel AVR family of micro-controllers,
     emulates a gdb remote target, and displays register and memory
     information in real time.

    Other distributions may or may not have it so easily available -- and there might be better choices. Still, hope this helps.