I am using the Chromium web browser control in my Delphi 6 application.
Whenever the user clicks on a web link in the web page currently being displayed that is not on my primary web site I launch their default web browser with the URL, by opening the URL using the Windows ShellExecute() function with the 'Open' verb. I do this from the BeforeBrowse()
event handler and simultaneously cancel the navigation.
In other words, I do not show external URLs in the Chromium control but instead, show them in the user's default web browser.
It works fine but sometimes I also get a stand-alone window pop up owned by my application and that takes up about half the screen that is completely empty (blank white client area with my Windows theme). The Windows class name of the window is "webviewhost".
Can anyone tell me how to suppress this "ghost" window?
The problem here is with popup windows. They are created before the OnBeforeBrowse
event is fired and you cancel their navigation so they looks like ghosts.
You can prevent their creation by setting the result of the OnBeforePopup
event to True, but this will end the navigation so the OnBeforeBrowse
won't get fired. If you follow this way then you will have to perform your ShellExecute
action in the OnBeforePopup
event as well.
procedure TForm1.Chromium1BeforePopup(Sender: TObject;
const parentBrowser: ICefBrowser; var popupFeatures: TCefPopupFeatures;
var windowInfo: TCefWindowInfo; var url: ustring; var client: ICefBase;
out Result: Boolean);
// you can set the Result to True here and block the window creation at all,
// but then you will stop also the navigation and the OnBeforeBrowse event
// won't be fired, so if you will follow this way then you'll have to perform
// your ShellExecute action here as well
if url <> 'http://www.yourdomain.com' then
Result := True;
ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(url), '', '', SW_SHOWNORMAL);
Another way is to set the m_bWindowRenderingDisabled
flag to True in the OnBeforePopup
event what should prevent the popup window to be created (as described in ceflib.pas
, not in the official documentation, IMHO the window is created but remains hidden, and I hope this won't lead to any leak, haven't verified that) and the navigation will continue so the OnBeforePopup
event will get fired.
procedure TForm1.Chromium1BeforePopup(Sender: TObject;
const parentBrowser: ICefBrowser; var popupFeatures: TCefPopupFeatures;
var windowInfo: TCefWindowInfo; var url: ustring; var client: ICefBase;
out Result: Boolean);
// you can set the m_bWindowRenderingDisabled flag to True here what should
// prevent the popup window to be created and since we don't need to take
// care about substitute parent for popup menus or dialog boxes of this popup
// window (because we will cancel the navigation anyway) we don't need to set
// the WndParent member here; but please check if there are no resource leaks
// with this solution because it seems more that the window is just hidden
if url <> 'http://www.yourdomain.com' then
windowInfo.m_bWindowRenderingDisabled := True;
The following code is the simulation of your problem (in this tutorial
used as the example is the link my popup
in the lower part of the page which if you click on will open the popup window).
ShellAPI, ceflib, cefvcl;
PageURL = 'http://www.htmlcodetutorial.com/linking/linking_famsupp_72.html';
PopupURL = 'http://www.htmlcodetutorial.com/linking/popupbasic.html';
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure TForm1.Chromium1BeforeBrowse(Sender: TObject;
const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
const request: ICefRequest; navType: TCefHandlerNavtype; isRedirect: Boolean;
out Result: Boolean);
if request.Url = PopupURL then
Result := True;
ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(request.Url), '', '', SW_SHOWNORMAL);
procedure TForm1.Chromium1BeforePopup(Sender: TObject;
const parentBrowser: ICefBrowser; var popupFeatures: TCefPopupFeatures;
var windowInfo: TCefWindowInfo; var url: ustring; var client: ICefBase;
out Result: Boolean);
// Solution 1
// this will block the popup window creation and cancel the navigation to
// the target, so we have to perform the ShellExecute action here as well
if url = PopupURL then
Result := True;
ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(url), '', '', SW_SHOWNORMAL);
// Solution 2
// or we can set the m_bWindowRenderingDisabled flag to True and the window
// won't be created (as described in ceflib.pas), but the navigation continue
if url = PopupURL then
windowInfo.m_bWindowRenderingDisabled := True;