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Are their any free PHP librarys to convert PPT or ODT to PDF

I'm working on a document manager on a shared hosting account (linux) which I don't have command-line access too.

When people upload presentations I need to convert them to PDF for people to download. I have read that there is a way to do this by installing headless open office but I'm not going to be able do that on this server.

Are there any free php libraries that can manage the document conversion?



  • Are there any free php libraries that can manage the document conversion?

    I don't think so. This is way too complex a task for a PHP script. The script would have to emulate what OpenOffice already does. Headless Open Office is indeed the way to go here.

    If you're willing to rely on a third party service, and pay money, I've seen some conversion services around that offer the functions of OpenOffice through a web service.