I have this Mac application that consists of 2 files:
I would like to put them in:
I would also like the installer to look like them fancy DMG installers (like Skype's). Now, I am a newbie when it comes to Mac but I am willing to learn whatever it takes.
I know the dmg installers are actually drags and drops; does that mean that if my application doesn't consist of a real application (it is a plug in - there's no shortcut to put in the Applications folder) then I can't do it?
I was thinking about calling the icon on the left MyProg and the icon on the right COMP_NAME and that dragging MyProg to COMP_NAME simply put the 2 files I described in the places I described for them.
Is there's any way to achieve this or should I just go with PackageMaker and drop the fancy dmg idea (I really like the fancy installers)?
I've seen several plugins like this that use PackageMaker, but wrap the package in a .dmg (that is, you mount the .dmg and all it has on it is a .pkg file).