In my VS2010 solution I have set of Powershell scripts and T4 templates based on T4Scaffolding NuGet, everything is working fine with scaffolding and related T4's, but in one of my scripts I need to trigger a T4 template located in another project.
Any simple Powershel cmdlet for this? to just run the template with out passing any parameters or values.
It looks like you can just invoke their command line utility, so you could create a script that just takes the location of your .tt file.
param([string] $T4Template)
& "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\TextTemplating\10.0\TextTransform.exe" $T4Template
Save above as ExecTextTransform.ps1 and then call with your paths. Example:
.\ExecTextTransform.ps1 c:\temp\
See here for an example of calling their command line utility.