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Convert data.frame column format from character to factor

I would like to change the format (class) of some columns of my data.frame object (mydf) from charactor to factor.

I don't want to do this when I'm reading the text file by read.table() function.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • Hi welcome to the world of R.

    mtcars  #look at this built in data set
    str(mtcars) #allows you to see the classes of the variables (all numeric)
    #one approach it to index with the $ sign and the as.factor function
    mtcars$am <- as.factor(mtcars$am)
    #another approach
    mtcars[, 'cyl'] <- as.factor(mtcars[, 'cyl'])
    str(mtcars)  # now look at the classes

    This also works for character, dates, integers and other classes

    Since you're new to R I'd suggest you have a look at these two websites:

    R reference manuals:

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