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Windows ETW: Kernel consumer receives no EventCallback or BufferCallback events

i am trying to listen to ETW kernel events.

  • Step 1: Call OpenTrace, specifying the EventCallback and optional BufferCallback functions that will be called during my call to ProcessTrace:

        logFile: EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILE;
        currentTrace: TRACEHANDLE;
        ZeroMemory(@logFile, sizeof(logFile));
        logFile.LoggerName := KERNEL_LOGGER_NAME;
        logFile.LogFileName := 'C:\Users\Ian\foo.etl';
        logFile.ProcessTraceMode := 0;
        logFile.EventCallback := RealtimeEventCallback;
        logFile.BufferCallback := BufferCallback; //optional
        currentTrace := OpenTrace(@logFile);
        if (currentTrace = INVALID_PROCESSTRACE_HANDLE) or (currentTrace = -1) then
  • Step 2: Enable kernel events. This is done by calling StartTrace. In my case i want to trace kernel interrupts (EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_INTERRUPT) and deferred procedure calls (EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_DPC):

        sessionProperties: PEVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES;
        bufferSize: Int64;
        th: TRACEHANDLE;
        loggerName: string;
        logFilePath: string;
        loggerName := KERNEL_LOGGER_NAME;
        logFilePath := 'C:\Users\Ian\foo.etl';
        bufferSize := sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES)
            + 1024 //maximum session name is 1024 characters
            + 1024; //maximum log file name is 1024 characters
        sessionProperties := AllocMem(bufferSize);
        ZeroMemory(sessionProperties, bufferSize);
        sessionProperties.Wnode.BufferSize := bufferSize;
        sessionProperties.Wnode.ClientContext := 1; //QPC clock resolution
        sessionProperties.Wnode.Flags := WNODE_FLAG_TRACED_GUID;
        sessionProperties.Wnode.Guid := SystemTraceControlGuid;
        sessionProperties.EnableFlags := EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_INTERRUPT or EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_DPC;
        sessionProperties.LogFileMode := EVENT_TRACE_FILE_MODE_CIRCULAR;
        sessionProperties.MaximumFileSize := 5;  // 5 MB
        sessionProperties.LoggerNameOffset := sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES);
        sessionProperties.LogFileNameOffset := sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES)+1024;
        //Copy LoggerName to the offset address
        MoveMemory(Pointer(Cardinal(sessionProperties)+sessionProperties.LoggerNameOffset), PChar(loggerName), Length(loggerName)+1);
        //Copy LogFilePath to the offset address
        MoveMemory(Pointer(Cardinal(sessionProperties)+sessionProperties.LogFileNameOffset), PChar(logFilePath), Length(logFilePath)+1);
        hr := StartTrace({var}th, PChar(loggerName), sessionProperties);
        if (hr <> ERROR_SUCCESS) then
              raise EWin32Error.Create(SysErrorMessage(hr));

    And the log is started sucessfully (i can see foo.etl begin to grow to its 5 MB circuluar limit).

  • Step 3: Call ProcessTrace, which blocks until it has delivered all pending events to the EventCallback handler specified in Step 1:

       res: LongWord;
       res := EventTrace.ProcessTrace(@currentTrace, 1, nil, nil);
       if (res <> ERROR_SUCCESS) then
          raise EWin32Error.Create(SysErrorMessage(res));

Except that ProcessTrace repeatedly returns immediately, and no callback is called - even though the etl file is present and growing.

If i change the logging from File Based to Realtime logging:

  • Step 1 - OpenTrace changes to support realtime:

    logFile.ProcessTraceMode := PROCESS_TRACE_MODE_REAL_TIME;
  • Step 2 - StartTrace changes to support realtime:

    sessionProperties.LogFileMode := EVENT_TRACE_REAL_TIME_MODE;

In this case ProcessTrace never returns, but neither EventCallback or BufferCallback are ever called.

What am i doing wrong?

Update: My callback functions:

function BufferCallback(Logfile: PEVENT_TRACE_LOGFILE): LongWord; stdcall;
   Result := 1; //return true to keep processing rows

procedure RealtimeEventCallback(pEvent: PEVENT_TRACE); stdcall;
   nEvents := nEvents+1;


  • i found the problem.

    The headers i was using were not quad-word aligned.

    In Delphi parlance, the keyword packed was being used.