I'm hoping to use a context processor or middleware to modify the values of the dictionary passed to render_to_response prior to the actual rendering. I have a messaging schema I'm trying to implement that would populate a message list based on the existence of a type of user that I'd like to search the context for prior to the rendering of the template.
def myview(...):
return render_to_response('template.html',
{'variable': variable},
and I'd like to be able to add additional information to the context on the existence of 'variable'.
How can I access 'variable' after my view defines it but before it gets to the template so that I can further modify the context?
use TemplateResponse:
from django.template.response import TemplateResponse
def myview(...):
return TemplateResponse(request, 'template.html',
{'variable': variable},
def my_view_wrapper(...):
response = my_view(...)
variable = response.context_data['variable']
if variable == 'foo':
response.context_data['variable_is_foo'] = True
return response