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BNF Grammar Ambiguity

I was recently thinking of the following BNF

A -> x | yA | yAzA

where x,y,z are terminals.

I'm pretty sure this grammar is ambiguous, but how would one make it unambiguous?


  • A grammar is ambiguous if a particular string can have more than one parse tree. In your language the string yyxzx can have either of these two parse trees:

        A                  A
       / \                /|\`\
      y   A              y A z A
         /|\`\            / \   \
        y A z A          y   A   x
          |   |              |
          x   x              x

    Therefore the grammar is ambiguous.

    This actually is equivalent to the notorious "if/then/else" ambiguity in C-like languages, where y=if, z=else, and x=statement. I would recommend checking out that page for ideas on how to get around this problem.