Assume that you start running the script. What happens when you change that file when it is being executed? It seems that MATLAB takes a copy of the file and then starts executing it. I want to make sure that I am right. That said, I want to run a MATLAB script with different parameters on a clusters. Does it work correctly if I do the changes on that one file. Or do I need to create multiple copies of the file myself?
Changing the contents of a script / function while it is running will not affect the operation of the script as MATLAB is running a (generically speaking) "cached" and "preprocessed" version of the file. As for running a script with multiple parameters in a cluster, I assume you are using the Parallel Computing Toolbox?
One option might be to have the script load its parameters from a MAT file, allowing you to run the same script on all workers, but operate on different parameters.