I have a number of midje facts that have setup/teardowns that are almost, but not quite, entirely the same.
(against-background [(before :contents (setup!)) (before :contents (data)) (before :facts (set-access)) (after :contents (teardown!)]
(facts "about this thing i am testing "
; ...
(against-background [(before :contents (setup!)) (before :contents (data)) (before :facts (set-other-access)) (after :contents (teardown!)]
(facts "about this other thing i am testing "
; ...
I would like to wrap the backgrounds into something reusable and preferably paramterizable so I can reuse them, but having trouble doing so. Midje tells me anything other than the above is not the expected background form.
Midje does not have the ability to do what you ask built into it. If you would like this, consider adding it as an issue here: https://github.com/marick/Midje/issues?sort=updated&direction=desc&state=open&page=1
A solution is to create your own macro to do this. (untested)
(defmacro against-my-background [docstring & body]
`(against-background [(before :contents (setup!))
(before :contents (data))
(before :facts (set-access))
(after :contents (teardown!)]
(facts ~docstring
~@body )))
;; usage
(against-my-background "about this thing i am testing"
(fact (foo) => :bar)
(fact (foo) =not=> :baz))