Goal: To create a Facebook "Like" button interstitial that only disappears after a "Like"
I'm hoping to create an interstitial with a like button that disappears when a user clicks like. Is this possible - how would I go about accomplishing this?
You can do this. To check if a user has already liked your page you can do:
FB.api("/{page_id}/members/{user_id}", function(r) { if(r.data.length > 0) { //liked! } });
However, there is a bug right now that breaks this API(http://developers.facebook.com/bugs/344295515590822?browse=search_4f34b7fc320fa8d06106500).
You can catch a user like this:
FB.Event.subscribe("edge.create", function(w) {
if(w === "{fan_url}") {
// Liked my page