My boss wants me to use cfscript instead of tags for database interaction. Does anybody know of any good tutorials? I bought the Adobe ColdFusion application development book, vol 2. But it does not have much on scripting. I did google and found this site, but it did not explain much.
Does any body know of any good tutorials on accessing the data base in CFScript?
Basically I have to convert the following to using CFScript:
<cfquery name="drafts" datasource="ICEchat">
SELECT * from Messages where IsTemp=1 and LinkA=#FORM.LinkA# and LinkB=#FORM.LinkA#
<cfif drafts.recordcount GT '0'>
<cfquery name="Attachments" datasource="ICEchat">
SELECT * FROM Attachments where id=2
{ Message:"<cfoutput query="drafts">#Message#</cfoutput>", Attachments:[<cfoutput query="attachments">
"#url#"<cfif attachments.currentRow LT attachments.recordcount>,</cfif>
<cfquery name="addrecord" datasource="ICEchat">
VALUES(1,1,' ',1)
{ Message:"NA", Attachments:[]}
From the 4th link on google for "cfscript query tutorial":
myQry = new Query(); // new query object
myQry.setSQL("select bookid, title, genre from app.books where bookid = :bookid"); //set query
myQry.addParam(name="bookid",value="5",CFSQLTYPE="CF_SQL_INTEGER"); // add query param
qryRes = myQry.execute(); // execute query
writedump(qryRes.getResult().recordcount, true); // get resultcount
writedump(qryRes.getResult(), false); // dump result
That ought to tell you everything you need to know.
Also, you really should not be creating JSON manually, no matter how simple it is. Use serializeJson()