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Returning a value from a nested function to it's parent without using a callback

I wrote the following function to check if my HTML5 openDatabase table is filled or empty:

var that = this;
that.db = openDatabase('dbname', '1.0', "description", 1024 * 1024);

that.tableFilled = function( tableName ) {

    that.db.transaction(function ( tx ) {

        tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM ' + tableName, [],
            function success( c, results ) {
                return ( results.rows.length > 0 ? true : false );
            function fail() {



I am trying to return the true or false values to tableFilled().

Actually that.tableFilled('tableName') returns undefined.

What I am trying to achieve at the end is:

if ( that.tableFilled('tableName') ){
    // ...

Is there a way I can return the true or false values to the parent function tableFilled() without using a callback ?


  • You're dealing with an asynchronous process so you can't return a value directly.

    What you can do however is return a promise. Your function will promise to give you that value when it's available. To get the value out of the promise, you have to add a callback function.

    You still need to use a callback function but you don't need to nest your functions anymore, you can just serialize them.

    This may be way out of scope for your current needs but it's a very interesting concept. Just Google for it if you want to know more.

    Here is a short example:

    function my_function() {
        var promise = new_promise();
        do_asynchronous(function callback(result) {
            promise.resolve(result); // gets called after 1 second
        return promise;
    var promise = my_function();
    promise.done(function(result) {
        console.log(result);    // prints "yay!" after 1 second
    function new_promise() {
        var handlers = [];
        return {
            "resolve": function (result) {
                for (var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i += 1) {
            "done": function (a_callback) {
    function do_asynchronous(callback) {
        setTimeout(function () {
        }, 1000);