I am loading a initial set of 100+ sounds into the OpenAL buffer. After a while I am clearing the OpenAL context and reloading another set of sounds. But the newly loaded files are not playing. It seems that the previous OpenAL buffers are not really released.
Here is my code for initializing and destroying OpenAL
- (void)initOpenAL
// Initialization
mDevice = alcOpenDevice(NULL); // select the “preferred device”
if (mDevice) {
// use the device to make a context
// set my context to the currently active one
- (void)cleanUpOpenAL
// delete the sources
for (NSNumber * sourceNumber in [soundDictionary allValues])
NSUInteger sourceID = [sourceNumber unsignedIntegerValue];
alDeleteSources(1, &sourceID);
[soundDictionary removeAllObjects];
// delete the buffers
for (NSNumber * bufferNumber in bufferStorageArray)
NSUInteger bufferID = [bufferNumber unsignedIntegerValue];
alDeleteBuffers(1, &bufferID);
[bufferStorageArray removeAllObjects];
// destroy the context
// close the device
This is how I load the sounds inside a loop:
NSString *filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:subString ofType:@"wav"];
AudioFileID fileID = [self openAudioFile:filePath];
// find out how big the actual audio data is
UInt32 fileSize = (UInt32)[self audioFileSize:fileID];
// this is where the audio data will live for the moment
unsigned char * outData = malloc(fileSize);
// this where we actually get the bytes from the file and put them
// into the data buffer
OSStatus result = noErr;
result = AudioFileReadBytes(fileID, false, 0, &fileSize, outData);
if (result != 0) NSLog(@"cannot load effect: %@",fileName);
NSUInteger bufferID;
// grab a buffer ID from openAL
alGenBuffers(1, &bufferID);
if((alGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR) {
// jam the audio data into the new buffer
if((alGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR) {
// clean up the buffer
if (outData)
outData = NULL;
// save the buffer so I can release it later
[bufferStorageArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger:bufferID]];
NSUInteger sourceID;
// grab a source ID from openAL
alGenSources(1, &sourceID);
// attach the buffer to the source
alSourcei(sourceID, AL_BUFFER, bufferID);
// store this for future use
[soundDictionary setObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:sourceID] forKey: [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:i+(padNumber*10)]];
subString = NULL;
filePath = NULL;
And this is what I am doing before I am reloading the new set of sounds:
[self cleanUpOpenAL];
[self initOpenAL];
Any idea where things are going wrong?
After almost a week of analysis, I found the bug. The problem was that I wasn't closing the AudioFile. Everything worked after I added this piece of code after I've used the fileID