How can I make my seesaw program full screen when F11 is pressed? (not just maximized)
I currently have this:
(defn toggle-full-screen [e]
(-> (to-root e)
(def full-screen-action (action :name "Full Screen" :tip "Full Screen"
:mnemonic \f :key (keystroke "F11")
:handler toggle-full-screen))
(def view-menu (menu :text "View"
:mnemonic \v
:items [full-screen-action]))
(def top-menubar (menubar :items [view-menu]))
runs when F11 is pressed however I can't figure out how to make the frame fullscreen.
Caveat scriptor, I haven't tried this in seesaw but I think this is mostly about directly leveraging what is available in swing.
The following suggests what can be done with the swing API:
At least part of the trick is to call setUndecorated
on the frame.
I haven't investigated how you get at the necessary swing objects within seesaw yet.