can you tell me a hint to start an Epub reader app for blackberry?
I want the simplest way to do it, is there any browser or UI component that can read & display it?
I want to download it from a server then view it to the user to read it.
couple of days ago, an Epub reader library was added here, I tried to use it, but it has some difficulties, it could open Epubs only from resources, but not from file system, so I decided to download the source and do some adaptation. First, I wrote a small function that opens the Epub file as a stream:
public static InputStream GetFileAsStream(String fName) {
FileConnection fconn = null;
DataInputStream is = null;
try {
fconn = (FileConnection) Connector
.open(fName, Connector.READ_WRITE);
is = fconn.openDataInputStream();
} catch (IOException e) {
return is;
Then, I replaced the call that opens the file in
, so it became like this:
public Book getBook(String url)
InputStream in = ConnectionController.GetFileAsStream(url);
return book;
after that, I could read the file successfully, but a problem appeared, it wasn't able to read the sections, i.e. the .html
files, so I went into a short debug session before I found the problem, whoever wrote that library, left the code that read the .html file names empty, in com.omt.epubreader.parser.NcxParser
it was like this:
private void getBookNcxInfo()
if(pars.getEventType() == XmlPullParser.START_TAG &&
I just added this line to the if
contentDataFileName.addElement(pars.getAttributeValue("", "src"));
and after that, it worked just perfectly.