Hi have a problem running my software on the samsung galaxy tab. Sometimes (but not always!) areas that are rendered transparent look garbled. I have attached an image showing a screen capture done on the device, which looks perfect for a strange reason, and a photo that shows the garbled half transpaent black box.
Has somebody an explanation for this effect or can somebody point me in a direction - I really don't know where I should start searching since the same software runs flawless on a galaxy s2 and on all IOS devices.
Perhaps somebody here has seen somthing similar and knows reasons that might lead to artifacts like these.
screenshot vs photo http://www.applab.at/img/garbage_samsung_tab7.png
The problem seems to be the device itself. Sometimes if you turn the device on, you see a garbled screen befoer the samsung logo appears. Then this effect shows whenever running the software. If the device boots without a garbled screen, everything is fine.