I have tried coding a Modx Blog, and everything is working fine, but I want to display a "read more" button only if the content is longer than the ellipsis. The Problem is: The Content is mixed, so there are a few short announcements of about 200 signs, and then some with over 1000.
The "read more" button is now always shown, but I just want it for the "longer" blog posts. Can anyone help out?
The current code:
<p>[[+content:ellipsis=`300`]] <a href="[[+id]]">read more</a></p>
you can use the 'length' and 'greater than' output filters for this:
[[+content:ellipsis=`300`]] [[+content:len:gt=`300`:then=`
(Note: SO is stripping out the anchor tag above, but you get the idea)
Let us know how it goes!